full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Charles Limb: Building the musical muscle

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now the question comes to mind: Is there any hope? And yes, there is hope. Now I don't know if anybody knows who this is. This is ... does somebody know? This is Beethoven. Now why would we know what Beethoven's skull looks like? Because his grave was exhumed. And it tnrus out that his temporal bones were harvested when he died to try to look at the cause of his deafness, which is why he has molding clay and his slkul is bulging out on the side there. But Beethoven composed music long after he lost his hearing. What that setusggs is that, even in the case of hearing loss, the capacity for music remains. The brains remain hardwired for misuc.

Open Cloze

Now the question comes to mind: Is there any hope? And yes, there is hope. Now I don't know if anybody knows who this is. This is ... does somebody know? This is Beethoven. Now why would we know what Beethoven's skull looks like? Because his grave was exhumed. And it _____ out that his temporal bones were harvested when he died to try to look at the cause of his deafness, which is why he has molding clay and his _____ is bulging out on the side there. But Beethoven composed music long after he lost his hearing. What that ________ is that, even in the case of hearing loss, the capacity for music remains. The brains remain hardwired for _____.


  1. turns
  2. suggests
  3. music
  4. skull

Original Text

Now the question comes to mind: Is there any hope? And yes, there is hope. Now I don't know if anybody knows who this is. This is ... does somebody know? This is Beethoven. Now why would we know what Beethoven's skull looks like? Because his grave was exhumed. And it turns out that his temporal bones were harvested when he died to try to look at the cause of his deafness, which is why he has molding clay and his skull is bulging out on the side there. But Beethoven composed music long after he lost his hearing. What that suggests is that, even in the case of hearing loss, the capacity for music remains. The brains remain hardwired for music.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
cochlear implant 8
implant users 8
hearing loss 5
hear music 3
normal hearing 3
pitch perception 3
hearing aids 3
perfect hearing 3
remember writing 2
sound quality 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
cochlear implant users 5

Important Words

  1. beethoven
  2. bones
  3. brains
  4. bulging
  5. capacity
  6. case
  7. clay
  8. composed
  9. deafness
  10. died
  11. exhumed
  12. grave
  13. hardwired
  14. harvested
  15. hearing
  16. hope
  17. long
  18. loss
  19. lost
  20. molding
  21. music
  22. question
  23. remain
  24. remains
  25. side
  26. skull
  27. suggests
  28. temporal
  29. turns